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The Halachos of Shabbos Tisha B'av (Shabbos Nidche)

By Rabbi Tzvi Yaakov Stein -

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Tisha B'av

Erev Shabbos
• Regular showers can be taken. Cooler is better
• No touring etc.

• Shabbos guests that you normally have over are allowed
• All foods are allowed
• No marital relations unless it's Mikva night or if the husband was out of town. Touching is allowed
• Regular learning is allowed until chatzos on Shabbos. After that, Tisha B'av learning is preferable. However if you're going to end up wasting time then it's better to learn regular subjects
• Shabbos zemiros are allowed
• After chatzos, no Shabbos walks etc.
• Pills to make the fast easier can be taken on Shabbos just don’t say that it’s for the fast day

Seudas shlishis
• A regular meal is served
• Even meat is allowed to be eaten
• No eating ashes etc.
• Usual guests are allowed
• Eating has to be done by sunset
• A mezuman can be made by Birchas Hamazon
• Pills and/or vitamins to help you fast are allowed to be taken on Shabbos
• All other restrictions don't start until after Shabbos is over

Motzai Shabbos
• Say baruch hamavdil bein kodesh lechol
• Change clothes and shoes
• Bracha on Fire is made in shul before maariv. If women are going to stay home then the Bracha on fire should be made by a man at home
• No havdala until Sunday night
• If one isn't fasting then havdala is made before eating. No hinei kel etc. No Bracha on besamim is made
• Women who aren't fasting can either:
1- make havdala themselves on coffee or beer.
2- have a man make havdala for them and she drinks it.
3- she davens maariv and says atah chonantanu in the Bracha of chonen hadaas and then she can eat. Then she'll hear havdala

Sunday night
• Dirty dishes from Shabbos should preferably not be washed unless they smell etc.
• If the dishes will be washed then it’s preferable to use gloves Sunday night
• Havdala is made before eating. No Bracha is made on fire or besamim
• Havdala should be made on coffee or beer •No drinking wine or eating meat
• Laundry, haircuts, and showers are allowed immediately after the fast
• Better not to listen to music but it’s allowed

No eating
• Medicine in pill form is allowed
• If liquid is necessary for the medicine, less than an ounce of liquid is allowed

No washing
• In the morning and after using the bathroom, wash only up to the end of the knuckles
• Washing to remove dirt on any part of the body is allowed
• Washing hands for food preparation is allowed but better to use gloves
• No smearing ointments unless it's for healing purposes
• Deodorant is allowed if it’s to remove odor
• Bug spray is allowed
• Mouthwash and brushing teeth is allowed if one is in extreme discomfort
• It's preferable not to use makeup

No leather shoes
• If there's just a little leather in the shoes for style then it's allowed
• Crocs etc. are allowed
• If it's muddy etc. then shoes can be worn if there's no other options
• Leather watches, belts, etc. are allowed

No relations
• No sleeping in the same bed
• No touching at night
• Harchakos don't have to be kept

• No asking "how are you" etc.
• Better not to say good morning
• Asking how someone's fast is going is allowed •If someone asks "how are you" etc. answer in a solemn way
• Saying Mazal tov is allowed

No learning Torah
• Torah pertaining to mourning can be learned but not in depth
• Churban related subjects can be learned
• Tehilim can be said after chatzos
• Tehilim for someone sick can be said all day
• Stories of history and of gedolim are allowed
• Learning mussar is allowed

No sitting on chairs until chatzos
• Elderly, or those that are sick can sit on a regular chair
• Pregnant/Nursing women can sit on a chair if need be •Sitting in a car is allowed

• Hanging out in the street is not allowed
• If smoking is ever allowed, on Tisha Bav it’s not recommended. If necessary it’s allowed after midday in private
• Melacha is not allowed (similar to Chol Hamoed) until chatzos
• Even after chatzos, one who does melacha will not see Bracha from it (if you have the churban in your mind (listening to a shiur etc.) while doing the work, this doesn't apply)
• Housework (washing dishes) and food preparation shouldn't be done until chatzos. A non Jew is allowed
• If it's going to cause a loss then it's allowed
• Children age 6 and under can be bathed. It’s better to use gloves but not required
• If Mikva falls out on Motzai Shabbos Tisha Bav it gets pushed off until Sunday night
• If one has to push off Mikva for any reason: once the seven clean days are over, no white is worn and no bedikos have to be done even before going to the Mikva
• Preparation for mikva after Tisha Bav should preferably be done Sunday night after breaking the fast. If necessary it can be started on Friday

All The Basic Halachos of Tisha B'av

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Tisha B'av

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